In a change of date and venue, experienced yoga tutors Lucie Landau & Maggie Davis invite you to join them on retreat in Southern Spain 20th - 26th October 2019.

We will be exploring the energy system in the subtle body and its connection to the physical body and the mind. You'll also be able to enjoy time to yourself for walks, relaxation and a beautiful swimming pool, and silent times for reflection alongside social times for discussion. There are walks around the hotel to explore, so good walking shoes and some level of fitness is recommended .

Click here and here for full details.

Yoga Retreat in Spain 2019

We believe that yoga is not just a set of physical exercises but an attitude to life.

BWY Foundation course 2
18th September 2022


Deepening your practice and study

The British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) Foundation Course 2 builds on the BWY Foundation Course 1, continuing to explore the various aspects of yoga. Allowing participants to delve even deeper into their personal practice of asana, pranayama, kriya, mudra, bandha and meditation and gain an even greater understanding of yoga philosophy.






Practical techniques and personal development in the context of yoga philosophy.


The course is suitable for non-teachers that have taken the Foundation Course 1 (or similar) or for teachers wishing to refresh their practice and/or training.


​Lucie and Anna have worked together on several Foundation Course 1 and are excited to offer the Foundation Course 2 to enable students to go even deeper into their yoga practicThe course has 7 Sunday morning sessions held online over 7 months (9am - 1pm) with 2hrs of additional home study each month, concluding with a 2-night/3-day residential retreat being held in Kent in May 2023 (Friday 2pm - Sunday 4pm).


Course dates (2022 - 2023) - 16th October, 13th November, 11th December, 15th January, 5th February, 5th March, 2nd April, 19th-21st May.


Course costs - £785 plus £60 BWY registration and £37 BWY annual membership. The course cost includes the cost of the residential retreat.


Online Taster Session Sun 18th Sept, 10am - 1pm, £20.



Gentle yoga classes in Robertsbridge
19th May 2022


THURSDAYS 6.30 -7.45 pm - New term starts 19th May - beginners and improvers.



If you are interested please send me an e-mail and I'll send you the details. Please wear comfortable loose clothing, mats are provided but if you have your own of you can bring this with you.

Intermediate yoga classes in Robertsbridge
19th May 2022


Thursday mornings 9.30-10.45 General Mixed ability/Intermediate , Robertsbridge, East Sussex

Bhagavad Gita 6 week course 2
18th September 2022


Start date 18th May 2022

This is a continuation of the previous BG course 1 where we covered the first 6 chapters of the Perenial wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita.

This course is open to anyone who has done the first course or anyone who is familiar with the scripture already.

Fridays 6.30 - 7.30pm


Mediation sessions with Lucie and Maggie most Fridays or as advertised.


Maggie sends out an e-mail letting everyone know the date of the next session.


If you would like to be on our meditation mailing list, please let us know.



(Sessions are free)

2X per year - at Gurupurnima in July and 1st January or as advertised


Satsang - literal meaning from Sanskrit sat meaning 'Truth', sanga meaning 'company'.


It is an Indian spiritual tradition which can mean:

(1) the company of the Highest Truth

(2) the company of an Enlightened person

(3) the company with an assembly of seekers who listen to enlightened discourses and talk about the Truth.



(Sessions are free)


The aim of our life philosophy is the realisation of the human potential by opening one's awareness to that which is usually dormant in oneself.


When one experiences the joy of being in the present or in the Self, it leads to experiencing the underlying Unity of All. Yoga gives us various paths and practices that lead to this realisation.


It can be by adopting the selfless attitude of Karma yoga (service without expectations), the worship and service of Bhakti yoga (devotion and surrender) or detached analysis of Jnana yoga (wisdom without attachment).


Hatha yoga gives us the practical advice on how to purify our body and the body's energy system. Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads or Patanjali Yoga Sutras point us to the inner wisdom which we have the potential to discover in ourselves by disciplining the mind.

Lucie is a British Wheel of Yoga teacher and teacher trainer. Her main focus is on meditation, pranayama, yoga philosophy and how these practices can enhance our every day.


Her main inspiration were the Satsangs with her spiritual teacher Prof. O. Sharma in India with whom she studied and meditated for over 30 years. Her Hatha yoga teacher in England was the late Shri Indar Nath at Patanjali Yoga center in Battle.


Before teaching yoga she was a ceramic artist. She studied at Edinburgh College of Art and later finishing postgraduate studies in Kyoto, Japan.


After that, she had her own studio for a few years. She also taught ceramics at the Art College in Prague and at Adult Education in Kent, England.


Her second degree in Hindi and Indian philosophy is from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London.


Quote of the Day
Gurudev O. Sharma


We meditate because we want to be with our own self.

A person who is not with his own self, is in trouble.

Only he can be happy who is perfectly at ease with his own self.