Thoughts in Meditation

These quotes have been taken from Satsangs (discourses) given by our teacher Professor Ojaswi Sharma. He himself was never interested in writing anything but his students felt the need to preserve his wisdom. They taped his talks, transcribed them and sorted out into several Topics. Because the full discourses were very long, shorter passages were chosen on each Topic and presented here.


If you find the quotes inspiring and would like to read the full Satsangs please visit Universal Wisdom.


If you have any questions related to the philosophy you are welcome to contact us.

In meditation you will sometimes experience peace and harmony, which is very nice, but do not think you have become a yogi! Many think: "Oh, it is all right. Now I have become a true yogi!" People develop such ideas. For two or three days they may experience harmony with themselves and their surroundings. Then they decide that they are a perfect yogi and think there might be some disciples waiting for them! Why not then have an ashram and some disciples? Do not become a prey to such deceptive thoughts.


Gradually, you come to the conclusion that you and your thoughts are different. You are not the thoughts. When this state develops (that is the observer distances himself from his thoughts) the thoughts gradually start becoming calm. After that impartial or passive observation develops. One may also sometimes have active participation, which means that one is trying to become a party to or take an interest in those thoughts and emotions. This should not be done. If somebody starts quarreling with the thoughts, that is also active participation. So we should be neither friendly with the thoughts nor an enemy to the thoughts. We observe them and after some time the observer finds himself stronger than the thoughts. It is the natural principle that the one who is stronger stands his ground and the weaker one retreats. A day comes when thoughts which have become weak ultimately start calming down and disappearing. Then you, the observer or rather the observation, find your own self in your own self. This is the beginning of your real life.


One thought comes and another goes. Let it happen. Just be yourself, the awareness! In the light of the awareness let things happen. Everything is all right. If you continue in this way a time comes when there is awareness and no disturbance and you have peace. I think this is the essence, the crux of the answer. Do not worry about small things - let them happen as they are happening and meditation will cure the disease.


Remember that when one thinks that there are no thoughts, one is already having thoughts. When someone feels that he has no thoughts, he is thinking. How else will you come to know that you have no thoughts? It was only through thoughts that you started feeling that you had no thoughts. It is not so easy, though people say it is. What happens is that gradually a stage comes when thoughts come and go but they do not disturb you. The inner peace that starts taking shape is not disturbed by the thoughts. When that stage comes, you do not become aware of thoughts but rather you are at peace with your own self. In this way, you gradually experience your real existence.


Remember that one day the practice of meditation will undo the knots of thoughts.


The power of thought that is given to human beings is very important. In the beginning you have worldly thoughts, as you contemplate physical pleasures. But when you follow the spiritual path you come to the conclusion that such pleasures are not worthwhile. Even at this moment thinking is going on. Gradually those previous thoughts start to disappear and new thoughts start coming. It is at the highest and final stage that thoughts stop or seem to stop, and you have peace. It is only after self-realisation that thoughts, ideas and questions disappear. As long as you are trying to distance yourself from thoughts, you cannot be successful. You are trying to distance yourself from thoughts but the thoughts do not leave you.


It is essential neither to run after nor to run away from thoughts. Meditation is neither running after nor running away. Meditation is witnessing or observing without attachment or aversion, liking or disliking.


What are we to do about thoughts during meditation? Try to remain indifferent to them. When they come, let them come, when they go, let them go. Try to be a witness, an indifferent person. This is the beginning. Gradually, thoughts calm down and you proceed further to experience your true self.